The place to be a child.

ein glückliches Kind spielt auf einem Gerüst draussen vor einer educcare Kindertagesstätte


Educational Concept

Children in educcare childcare centres are researchers, inventors, explorers, poets, musicians, painters, word acrobats, philosophers, physicists, designers and mathematicians. Every day their enthusiasm tells us: “Here I am and this is how the world works!”

Educational specialists at educcare are enthusiastic about every child and their individual development, focus on diversity and participation, are curious and open to learning, possess social and emotional competency, have sound expertise, closely follow the development of each child and work in partnership with the parents to raise and educate the children.

Our concept for raising and educating children is based on many years of educational experience. At the same time, it takes modern findings from pedagogy and developmental psychology into account. The concept includes all educational core areas, such as creativity, movement and health, language and communication, bilingualism, art and music, natural history, mathematics, media and technology.
We at educcare take delight in our children’s love of learning and their individual development. “I know you can do it. And I’m here”.



The vast majority of people grow up multilingual – what a gift! Multilingualism thus enables access to other people and cultures.

Our childcare centres are bilingual and designed according to the immersion method. They follow the principle of “one person – one language”, where one caregiver consistently speaks to the children in the foreign language, English.

Wir nutzen die ersten Lebensjahre und das Leben in der Kita mit all seiner Fülle: Spielerisch kann sich Ihr Kind der neuen Sprache annähern. Die mehrsprachige Förderung und das Erlernen der Muttersprache bilden keinen Widerspruch, sondern ergänzen sich. Gemeinsam mit den Kindern erleben wir unsere Sprachen mit viel Spaß und Freude.

Innenraum einer Kita, der anhand des Raumkonzeptes von educcare gestaltet wurde


Spatial design concept

Rooms and spaces in our childcare centres serve a purpose: they provide security, orientation and reliability. In this way, they create free space required for creative processes.

Our rooms are equipped in such a way that they meet the children’s basic needs for rest and movement, security and freedom, togetherness and solitude. When designing the play areas, we therefore strike a careful balance between variety and overstimulation.

Rooms at the centres are challenging, stimulating and enable children to deal with their own topics independently. The design of the rooms and the selection and arrangement of the materials offers opportunities for communication and action. Children are enticed to fantasise, experiment, express themselves and experience different adventures together.

In their play, children should encounter the “real” world: in the construction area there are photos of buildings from the surrounding area. In the role-play area there are household materials and, in the studio, there are art books and paintings. Children experience and understand the adult world through play and creative expression. They need rooms and spaces where they can express what they feel inside.

Following the saying “more things to play with than playthings”, materials should be able to fulfil various functions: sometimes the natural building block is an object for a building, sometimes an iron and sometimes a mobile phone… there are no limits to creativity and imagination…


Qualification/ further training

educcare advocates modernising early childhood education. In our childcare centres, we have a concept for raising and educating children that combines current knowledge and proven directions in pedagogy.

Working with children is an “exciting journey of discovery”. Children need educators who have a high level of professionalism, pedagogical expertise and enjoy their work. educcare supports this with further education and training opportunities. All employees take part in seminars, which serve to expand their expertise and the implementation of our concept.

The educators immerse themselves in the educational concept. In a further seminar, they familiarise themselves with the observation and documentation system, they receive new impulses for communication with parents in the basic seminar ‘Conducting Talks’ , they deal extensively with the topic of child protection and they devote themselves to nutrition and catering for children.

educcare attaches great importance to further training and professional exchange within the team. A team day is held once a year in each childcare centre. During this event, the educational staff discuss the quality of their centre, provide friendly advice to colleagues and reflect on their work.

Personal and professional development are part of the educational mandate for all educators at educcare!

Eine Erzieherin & Pädagogin widmet sich einem lachenenden Kind in einer educcare Kita

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