Change of provider
We aim to keep what is good whenever we take over a childcare centre. Together, we create perspectives in which the tried-and-tested and the familiar remain and new impulses are set in education and organisation.
There can be many good reasons for a change: the tasks and requirements in financing and organizing a childcare centre are becoming increasingly complex – take hygiene, data protection or funding management, for example. At the same time, the educational work must be designed, regularly reviewed and continuously updated. This can quickly limit its scope and extent. In addition, it is often not easy to find committed people, whether on a voluntary basis or as a full-time occupation, to take on this responsibility.
As a first step, we jointly determine the current state of affairs and you decide what we can support you with. This result is then the starting point for the path we take together.
Changing provider with educcare means :
- The burden on those responsible – childcare centre management, parents’ boards, provider – is reduced, and the quality of the childcare centre is assured and if necessary, improved.
- You benefit from our experience. We have successfully accompanied childcare centres and funding agencies from the initial support to the transfer of operations, including taking over the entire team.
- You can rely on a structured and transparent transition.
Procedure for changing provider
Determine current status, check necessary documents
Develop or adapt the concept together with those responsible
Check cultural and pedagogical fit with the team
Ensure the necessary general conditions, e.g. administrative procedures with authorities, applications and continuous exchange with the city
Draft contracts, hand over organisational and commercial processes
Project management of any construction/conversion planning and implementation, if required
Questions? We’re here to help!
Kerstin Seitz
Project development and management
Mobile 0151 157 711 59
E-Mail kerstin.seitz@educcare.de
Elke Zaun
Overall management of Kita-Services