

Kinder Entdecken die Natur in einer educcare kita


About us

Every child will experience excellent education – that is our mission. That is why we plan and operate childcare centres for companies and municipalities. We have been a nationally recognized independent provider since 2002.

Our childcare centres are like a home away from home and an excellent place of education, where children can grow safely and securely and discover the world at their own pace and according to their own personal interests. Our educational specialists are enthusiastic about children as “competent learners” and accompany them as “competent educators”, supporting and appreciating their individual development.

Our reliable structures mean we can support parents and clients in balancing family life and work.

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Kinder beim Malen mit Fingerfarben in einer Kindertagesstätte


Our Philosophy

“A child is full of potential”

Every child has the right to the best possible development and growth of their personality. We support children on this journey and ensure that they discover the world and themselves, that they participate and help shape it, that they experience health and education, that they participate in a community and assume responsibility. We will discover each child’s full potential together.

Enthusiasm, intuition and a high degree of professionalism distinguish us in our work with children, parents and clients. All educcare employees live a culture of trust, confidence and personal responsibility.

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Marcus Bracht und Axel Thelen Die Geschäftsführer der Educcare Bildungskindertagesstätten gGmbH


Think anew and get things moving

educcare was founded in Cologne in 2002 by Marcus Bracht and Axel Thelen. Their experience with childcare centres led to the idea of creating their own centres with excellent early childhood education. All children, regardless of their origin, should feel accepted and comfortable there.

They had the incentive and the courage to take up ideas and demands from parents, educational specialists, companies and politics. With this commitment, they have broken new ground and set things in motion.

Axel Thelen and Marcus Bracht are convinced that only an education that starts early can fully develop each child’s individual potential.

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All the facts

“Rethinking early childhood education and implementing it sustainably”. In 2002 Axel Thelen and Marcus Bracht founded educcare with this aim. Today, educcare operates around 40 bilingual childcare centres for municipalities and companies using its own educational concept. Further childcare centres are planned.

  • educcare’s concept for raising and educating children
  • two childcare centres are “recognised UNESCO project schools”
  • awarded the “Great Place to Work®” prize five times in a row
  • 37 childcare centres in five federal states
  • a good 1000 employees and approx. 2400 children

As of December 2020

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Eine Erzieherin & Pädagogin in einer Fragerunde mit den Kindern in einer Kita

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